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Bloatware-Wasting Your Android System Resources

Android Bloatware

Bloatware got you down?

Stop Wasting System Resources

Android bloatware is what we call the factory installed apps and carrier installed apps loaded in android devices.  Remember your excitement when opening up  a brand new android smartphone? The whole feeling is great, opening the package, little extras in the box, and peeling off that plastic covering the front. Finally, turn it on and watch it finish its boot animation to fully see your Android.  When you take a look inside the app drawer your smile quickly goes away. Your focus turns to all these unwanted pre-loaded apps within your Android.

Removable Bloatware in Android

Some manufactures of Androids claim their bloatware will be removable. This is not speaking entirely truthfully, however. Users can delete some pre-installed apps, not all of them. Users only have the capability to disable some of the apps.   We are still stuck with some apps whether we want them or not. The amount of apps which can be disabled or deleted depend on your region and carrier. If you buy an android which is carrier-specific there is going to be more non-deletable, non-removable bloatware.

Why We Deal With Bloatware

Most of us believe tons of pre-loaded bloatware that we do not want or have no need for, should no be on our Android smartphones. We purchase with our own hard earned money and expect a good experience. Android users should have a say what apps are on our phones using up precious system resources and storage space. Manufacturers of these phones need to allow us the ability of deleting any apps we want, not just some of them. As the owners of android phones, we should decide if these are apps we want.  We can go to the Google Play Store and download them.

We wouldn’t buy albums with ads or Blu-ray players with commercials.  Why do we deal with this on our android smartphones and tablets? They take up plenty of system resources and space, but we still take it. Let us face that bloatware is not going anywhere anytime soon. They could present these factory and carrier apps to us differently instead of forcing them down our throat. I doubt there is one person that uses every single pre-loaded app they are made to have on their phone. They could offer different pre-loaded packages for our phones for use to choose from.  We might consider some of them useful, such as “entertainment package”, “gamer’s package”, or “office package”.

How to Get Rid of Bloatware

Manufacturers put bloatware into our Android smartphones. We as consumers will continue to purchase them despite this. Contact an experienced professional to root your android in order to rid your device of bloatware. Benefits include increased performance and battery life, along with many other advantages.

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